Marketing for libraries

[NEW - English] Zuzanas book on marketing for libraries is translated to Turkish:

[NEW - English] Zuzanas book on marketing for libraries is translated to English and published on Chandos Publishing (Oxford) as "Shortcut to Marketing Your Library"
More info here (English) >>


This book, far from heavy academic language, information and documents prepared as practical information for professionals and is a resource guide that includes examples.

Developing information technology, thanks to researchers, academics, students and enthusiasts to take advantage of the library services are not now have to come to the library. Information technology, they are away from the habit of using libraries. Most of the activities and training for when they do not come on. In fact, many users, providing electronic resources and services of the library is presented to the unit can even be unaware of. Information services and resources to identify, to use, meaning that the information services and marketing techniques is required. So how will this information and documentation specialists? Each library in this regard necessarily own methods, has experience, but it is wise to learn from an expert. The author of this book marketing expert Helinsky Zuzana is a specialist information and documents and to give seminars on this issue internationally, the information center are counseling.

The book's colleagues on the marketing of information services will provide significant contributions to develop themselves fully is our belief.

This is the first published translation of the book ANKOS Presidential partner who is the sponsor for the printing of the book ÜNAK'a and a hyperlink to the company Thank you very much.

Idris KUMAS¸
Yeditepe Üniversitesi